Items to gather before our session:
- Food (real or pretend or both)
- Dishes, bowls, cups
- Utensils
- Pot
- Napkins
- Towel to use as tablecloth
- Dolls to feed
With this activity, we will be focusing on the following strategies to enhance the child’s development as they go about their play:
- Teach vocabulary (ex: food names, cup, pot, spoon, yum, water, etc)
- Teach action words (ex: eat, drink, cut, pour, cook)
- Teach adjectives and pronouns (ex: hot/cold, in/out, wet/dry)
- Following directions (ex: pour the water, give me the apple, put the grapes in, give baby the milk)
- Build phrases (ex: mommy’s apple, hot tea, my turn)
- Make choices (ex: Do you want to eat the APPLE or the ORANGE?)
- Take turns (Caregivers, siblings, favorite dolls or stuffed animals in the home are all wonderful partners to share turns with.)
Use repetition of single words/short phrases (ex: eat eat eat, yum yum yum) and wait expectantly for your child to make attempts at using the words.